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RTI: An Introduction for Middle and High Schools

To be effective at the middle and high school level, Response to Intervention (RTI) must be tailored to accommodate compartmentalized instruction, highly demanding curriculum expectations, complex schedules--and students who are approaching adulthood and have a significant voice in their own educational program. This full-day workshop presents an RTI problem-solving model specifically designed for the realities of secondary school settings.
Participants review the unique challenges of middle and high schools such as academic underperformance and poor motivation and learn how RTI can help to address those chronic concerns. The training provides guidance on:
- how intervention resources can be allocated across several levels, or Tiers, to provide more efficient and targeted assistance to struggling students
- options for scheduling interventions
- how to establish a strong Problem-Solving Team that can provide appropriate interventions for students with intensive needs
- recommended approaches to screen the entire school population for academic or behavioral difficulties.
- ways to engage at-risk students and their parents to assume responsibility for intervention plans.
- the importance of building understanding and support among faculty to serve as classroom RTI ‘first responders’.
The training concludes with several case examples of successful RTI interventions and highlights free Internet resources that can assist secondary schools to successfully implement RTI.
- understand the multi-level Response to Intervention (RTI) model and its implementation in a secondary school setting.
- be knowledgeable of options for screening students to identify those at-risk.
- understand the essentials in developing, scheduling and implementing successful student intervention plans.
- be able to employ strategies to enlist students and parents as full participants in the RTI process.
- be ready to build understanding and support among content-area teachers to serve as classroom interventionists.