RTI: An Introduction for Elementary Schools

The 'Response to Intervention' (RTI) model has been widely adopted by elementary schools across the nation as a proactive way to respond to students with academic or behavioral concerns. This full-day workshop provides participants with an overview of RTI and an explanation of how this framework can better support students with academic or behavioral challenges.

In the RTI model, a student in general education that begins to experience difficulties is given one or more evidence-based interventions. If the student fails to make expected progress despite several intervention attempts, that student can be considered to be a ‘non-responder’ to intervention. The workshop includes short tutorials on essential components of RTI, including:

  • the importance of building understanding and support among classroom teachers to serve as RTI ‘first responders’.
  • selection of efficient schoolwide screening tools to identify students at-risk for academic or behavioral problems.
  • review of free evidence-based interventions available to schools.
  • recommendations for allocating scarce intervention resources to provide more efficient and targeted assistance to struggling students
  •  creation of effective RTI Problem-Solving Teams to develop customized intervention plans for students with intensive needs.

The training concludes with a checklist that schools can use to verify that a general-education student has failed to respond to intervention and may require special education support.

As a result of attending this workshop, participants will:
  • describe key components of RTI, including staff understanding and support; a multi-tiered continuum of interventions; methods of schoolwide screening; and RTI Problem-Solving Teams.
  • describe the importance of problem definition, goal-setting, evidence-based interventions, and data collection as essential elements of student intervention plans.
  • outline the essential ‘first steps’ necessary to implement RTI successfully in a school.
  • access free assessment and intervention resources on the Internet to support RTI.