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Intervention Pathways: How to Use Data to Set Classroom Intervention Goals and Monitor Student Progress

Data collection is crucial for monitoring the progress of any student receiving a classroom academic or behavioral intervention. Whether under RTI, the Common Core Standards, or Special Education, however, data collection is often a 'weak link' in classroom interventions. This workshop is designed for general- and special-education teachers, educational consultants, and school administrators who want to select classroom assessments with confidence, set clear goals for student improvement, and collect the right kind and amount of data to document the effectiveness of student interventions.
The training answers key questions about classroom data collection, including how to:
- define standards for success and set clear, ambitious goals for common academic and behavioral targets.
- access an array of classroom-friendly tools to monitor student growth--such as rubrics, behavior report cards, cumulative mastery logs, and more.
- ensure that these four non-negotiable elements are included in any student data collection plan: problem definition, baseline, goal, progress-monitoring.
- access and use free Curriculum-Based Measures and benchmark norms to track acquisition of basic academic skills.
- set both short-term (e.g., 6-week) and long-term (e.g., year-long) academic goals.
- chart progress-monitoring data to provide a visual display of student growth for use in Response to Intervention and with IEPs.
Participants will receive a copy of "Classroom Progress-Monitoring Methods", a checklist that will allow them quickly to select appropriate methods to track student growth. Participants will also learn about free online applications to create classroom assessments (e.g., behavior report cards, curriculum-based measurement, behavior checklists) and will have access to a custom web page containing links and resources shared at the workshop.
- describe the non-negotiable elements of student progress-monitoring: problem definition, baseline, goal, progress-monitoring.
- set clear goals for academic & behavioral targets.
- select the right classroom assessment(s) to monitor student progress on interventions.
- access free online applications and forms to help with data collection.