
Tool Configuration:
{"tool":"checklist","version":1,"description":"<p>The Jackpot! Reward Finder allows educators to browse various reward (positive reinforcer) ideas and select those that are most appropriate for a class, small group, or individual student.</p>","directions":"<p>Click <a href=\"../../sites/default/files/pdfs/pdfs_tools/Wright_2012_Jackpot_Reward_Finder_Manual.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">HERE</a> to download the full <a href=\"../../sites/default/files/pdfs/pdfs_tools/Wright_2012_Jackpot_Reward_Finder_Manual.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">Jackpot Reward Finder manual</a>. </p>\n<ul>\n<li>To browse reward/reinforcer ideas, select any of the categories from the 'Select Checklist' drop-down menu. Reward ideas for the selected category will then load into the 'Selected Checklist' box. Click on the arrow next to reward ideas that you would like to add to your customized reward list and those ideas will load into the 'Your Checklist' box. Items in this box will go into your list.</li>\n</ul>\n<ul>\n<li>You can add your own notes to any reward idea in the 'Your Checklist' box by clicking the 'edit' button that appears next to it. A window will open and you will be able to type in your notes.<br /><br /></li>\n<li>When you are ready to download your customized reward/reinforcer list, you can do so by clicking on the tabs of the report choices below. You can download PDF or RTF (Microsoft-Word-ready) documents and can email these documents to others. You can also apply a unique name to any report by typing that name into the 'Report Title' box that appears near the bottom of the page under 'Printing Options'.</li>\n</ul>\n<ul>\n<li>If you have already created a free account on Intervention Central, you can save the reward lists that you create to that account. Just click the 'Save' button at the top of the page.</li>\n</ul>","lists":[{"editable":true,"title":"Reward Ideas: Elementary School Students","description":"<p>Here are reinforcer/reward ideas suitable for elementary school students.</p>","items":[{"text":"Sit with friends of the student's choosing during instruction","notes":"Peer Attention"},{"text":"Select friends to sit with to complete a cooperative learning activity","notes":"Peer Attention"},{"text":"Select a friend as a 'study buddy' to work with on an in-class assignment","notes":"Peer Attention"},{"text":"Be given reserved cafeteria seating for the student and several friends","notes":"Peer Attention"},{"text":"'Adopt' a younger student and be allowed to check in with that student as a mentor","notes":"Peer Attention"},{"text":"Eat lunch with a preferred adult","notes":"Adult Attention"},{"text":"Shadow a school staff member (e.g., principal, custodian) for part or all of a day","notes":"Adult Attention"},{"text":"Be the teacher's helper for the day","notes":"Adult Attention"},{"text":"Be a teacher helper in another classroom","notes":"Adult Attention"},{"text":"Sit next to the teacher during a lesson or activity","notes":"Adult Attention"},{"text":"Help the library media specialist","notes":"Adult Attention"},{"text":"Help the custodian","notes":"Adult Attention"},{"text":"Help a specials teacher (e.g., art, physical education, music)","notes":"Adult Attention"},{"text":"Choose a book to be read aloud in class","notes":"Academic Activity"},{"text":"Have 5 minutes on the Internet researching a topic of interest","notes":"Academic Activity"},{"text":"Listen to a book on tape/audio book","notes":"Academic Activity"},{"text":"Invite an older-student or adult \"reading buddy\" to the classroom to read with the student","notes":"Academic Activity"},{"text":"Choose an in-class or homework assignment for the class","notes":"Academic Activity"},{"text":"Teach (or help the teacher to teach) a lesson","notes":"Academic Activity"},{"text":"Help the teacher to operate the SmartBoard or PowerPoint projector","notes":"Academic Activity"},{"text":"Get extra help from the teacher on a topic of the student's choosing","notes":"Academic Activity"},{"text":"Read to a younger child","notes":"Academic Activity"},{"text":"Read aloud using a tape recorder to tape the story","notes":"Academic Activity"},{"text":"Choose from a list of supervised school locations (e.g., library, another classroom) to complete an independent reading assignment","notes":"Academic Activity"},{"text":"Be given a pass to go to the library during free class time","notes":"Academic Activity"},{"text":"Serve as timekeeper for an activity, announcing a 5-minute warning near end of the activity, and informing the group when the activity is over","notes":"Academic Activity"},{"text":"Help a classmate with an academic assignment","notes":"Academic Activity"},{"text":"Receive a ticket to be redeemed at a later time for a preferred activity","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Choose any class job for the week","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Assign other students in the class to helping roles, chores, or tasks","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Have 5 minutes on the computer engaged in recreational activities (e.g., visiting Internet sites)","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Deliver the schoolwide announcements","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Design a school bulletin board for a cause or event","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Post artwork or school work on a class or hall bulletin board","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Make deliveries from the classroom to the office","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Play a favorite game","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Work on a jigsaw or other puzzle","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Use a 'special item' (e.g., art supplies, toy) available only as a reward","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Be the leader of a class game","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Choose a group game during recess","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Write or draw using a blackboard/whiteboard/easel paper","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Get extra specials time (e.g., gym, art, music) with another class","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Select a fun activity from the \"Activity Shelf\" (stocked with play materials, games)","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Take care of the class animal(s) for the day","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Watch part or all of a video (pre-selected by the teacher and cleared with the student's parent)","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Choose a video for the class to watch","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Take one turn in an ongoing board game with a staff member (e.g., chess), with the staff member then taking the next turn at a convenient time","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Tell a joke or riddle to the class","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Sit wherever the student chooses in the classroom","notes":"Environmental Adjustment"},{"text":"Listen to music while working","notes":"Environmental Adjustment"},{"text":"Receive a silent \"thumbs up\" or other sign from teacher indicating praise and approval","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Be awarded a trophy, medal, or other honor for good behavior or a caring attitude","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Earn school supplies (e.g., pencil, eraser, pen, sticky notes)","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Receive an IOU redeemable for credit on one wrong item on a future in-class quiz or homework assignment","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Earn a ticket to be put into a drawing with other students for prizes","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Have a postcard or email sent to parent(s) to praise the student","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Be cited in the schoolwide announcements for academic accomplishment, helping behavior, or appropriate conduct","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Call the parent(s) to praise the student","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Eat lunch at a preferred table","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Be allowed to sit in the teacher's chair for part or all of the day","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Be allowed to sit in the teacher's chair for part or all of the day","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Receive a certificate or note of appreciation from the teacher or principal","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Write with a special pen, pencil, or marker for the day","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Select a prize from the treasure box","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Select a reward sticker","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Receive a 'raffle ticket' on which the student writes his or her name and drops into a fishbowl for later prize drawings","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"}]},{"editable":true,"title":"Reward Ideas: Middle and High School Students","description":"<p>Here are reinforcer/reward ideas suitable for middle and high school students.</p>","items":[{"text":"Sit with friends of the student's choosing","notes":"Peer Attention"},{"text":"Choose friends to sit with to complete a cooperative learning activity","notes":"Peer Attention"},{"text":"Have a 5-minute chat break at the end of class","notes":"Peer Attention"},{"text":"'Adopt' a younger student and be allowed to check in with that student as a mentor","notes":"Peer Attention"},{"text":"Given reserved cafeteria seating for the student and several friends","notes":"Peer Attention"},{"text":"Select a friend as a 'study buddy' to work with on an in-class assignment","notes":"Peer Attention"},{"text":"Assist a coach of any sport","notes":"Adult Attention"},{"text":"Eat lunch with a preferred adult","notes":"Adult Attention"},{"text":"Given school release to shadow a business owner for part or all of a day","notes":"Adult Attention"},{"text":"Shadow a school staff member (e.g., principal, custodian) for part or all of a day","notes":"Adult Attention"},{"text":"Serve as a student ambassador to greet school guests and provide a tour of the campus","notes":"Adult Attention"},{"text":"Choose a text selection to be read aloud in class","notes":"Academic Activity"},{"text":"Choose an in-class or homework assignment for the class","notes":"Academic Activity"},{"text":"Listen to a book on tape/audio book","notes":"Academic Activity"},{"text":"Spend 5 minutes on the Internet researching a topic of interest","notes":"Academic Activity"},{"text":"Help a classmate with an academic assignment","notes":"Academic Activity"},{"text":"Earn a ticket for a 10-minute 'walk break' from class (at a time agreed upon with the teacher)","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Choose any class job for the week","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Have 5 minutes on the computer engaged in recreational activities (e.g., visiting Internet sites","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Be admitted for free to a dance, game, or other school activity","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Earn the right to make one move in an ongoing chess match or other game of strategy","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Deliver the schoolwide announcements","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Announce players at a school athletic game","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Eat lunch at a preferred table","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Post artwork or school work on a class or hall bulletin board","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Design a school bulletin board for a cause or event","notes":"Non-Academic Activity"},{"text":"Be given a pass to get a drink whenever the student chooses","notes":"Environmental Adjustment"},{"text":"Sit wherever the student chooses in the classroom","notes":"Environmental Adjustment"},{"text":"Listen to music while working","notes":"Environmental Adjustment"},{"text":"Be given a library pass to complete in-class independent assignments","notes":"Environmental Adjustment"},{"text":"Earn school supplies (e.g., pencil, eraser, pen, sticky notes)","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Earn a ticket allowing the student to skip any one item on the homework assignment","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Select one item on the homework assignment that the teacher will give credit as a 'freebie'","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Apply points or tokens toward extra credit grade","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Earn a ticket allowing the student to turn in a late assignment with no penalty","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Earn a coupon to be redeemed with area merchants for merchandise or food ","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Earn a ticket to be put into a drawing with other students for prizes","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Have a postcard or email sent to parent(s) to praise the student","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Call the parent(s) to praise the student","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Be given a pass to leave class 5 minutes early","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Be cited in the schoolwide announcements for academic accomplishment, helping behavior, or appropriate conduct","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Receive a privileged parking spot for one day","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"},{"text":"Allowed to sit in the teacher's chair for part or all of a period","notes":"Praise/Incentives/Prizes"}]}],"reports":[{"id":1340047498511,"title":"Reward/Reinforcer List","description":"<p>This list includes a column listing selected reward/reinforcer ideas, a second column listing the category associated with each reward, and a third column with space for teacher notes.</p>","columns":[{"header":"Reinforcer/Reward Idea","type":"item","width":20},{"header":"Reinforcer Category","type":"notes","width":12},{"header":"Teacher Notes","type":"blank","width":10}]},{"id":1340286950744,"title":"Reward/Reinforcer Survey","description":"<p>Review this survey of possible reinforcer/reward choices with the student and rate the student's liking of each choice.</p>","columns":[{"header":"Reinforcer/Reward Idea","type":"item","width":10},{"header":"Preferred by Student? Yes/Maybe/No","type":"blank","width":6}]}]}