A new, streamlined version of Intervention Central is coming in December 2023. The new site will eliminate user login accounts. If you have a login account, be sure to download and save any documents of importance from that account, as they will be erased when the website is revised.
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Positive Behavior Interventions: Jim Wright's Workshop

Here are resources from Jim Wright's positive-behavior workshop:
- Behavior Report Card Maker. This app allows the teacher to format and print off customized daily behavior report cards for classroom data collection.
- Self-Check Behavior Checklist Maker. Using this tool, educators can create customized behavior checklists for a variety of uses.
- Classroom Support Plan Writer. This free web-based app allows educators to create
- Problem Bvhaviors: Why Do They Occur? This 1-page handout lists the most common causes (or 'functions') of student problem behavior.
- Tier 1/Classroom: Intervention Planning Sheet (Interactive). This planning sheet (Google Docs format) allows the teacher to document classroom intervention plans.
- Teaching Students with Severe Emotional and Behavioral Disorders:BEST PRACTICES GUIDE TO INTERVENTION. This manual was created joinlty by a Washington-state school district Seattle University. It contains guidance on how to work with students who show severe problem behaviors.
Class-Wide Behavior Management. What elements contribute to a well-managed classroom?
- Tier 1 Class-Wide Management) Checklist
- How to Implement Strong Core Instruction: Direct Instruction Checklist (Interactive Form)
Big Ideas in Behavior Management. What key concepts can lay the groundwork for teacher success in managing challenging behaviors?
Behavior Building Blocks. What are examples of behavior management tools?
- Behavior Building Blocks: Praise, Pre-Correction, Response Effort, Effective Verbal Commands
- VIDEO: How to Manage Behavior in the Classroom: Praise
Web Apps: Create Your Own Resources
- Behavior Report Card Maker. This app allows the teacher to format and print off customized daily behavior report cards for classroom data collection.
- Self-Check Behavior Checklist Maker. Using this tool, educators can create customized behavior checklists for a variety of uses.
- Jackpot! Reward Finder. This app allows you to create lists of student rewards to develop 'reward menus'.
Additional Behavior Intervention Strategies. What are additional examples of behavior-management interventions that teachers might find useful?
- School-Home Note.
- Managing Academic Anxiety Through an Antecedent Writing Activity
- Reducing Disruptive Behavior Through Antecedent Physical Exercise
- How to Reduce TIme-Outs With Active Response Beads
- Class Pass: Reducing Disruptive Behaviors Through a Brief Escape Break
Encouraging Compliance. How can educators state requests to reduce confrontation and increase compliance?
Managing Students in Crisis. How can the Aggression Cycle help to predict the stages of student anger and guide teachers in responding at each stage?