MRESC: Jim Wright's RTI Workshops

On W 31 May & Th 1 June 2017, Jim Wright presented workshops on Response to Intervention (RTI) for the MRESC at Botkins Local Schools, Botkins, OH. Here are resources shared at those trainings:

Below are additional resources relating to RTI.



RTI: The Model

Tier 1: Universal Instruction & Classroom Intervention

Tier 2: Supplemental Intervention: Standard -Treatment Protocol

  • Tier 2/3 Intervention Website: What Works Clearinghouse. This website reviews core instruction and intervention programs in reading & mathematics, as well as other academic areas. The site reviews existing studies and draws conclusions about whether specific intervention programs show evidence of effectiveness.
  • Tier 2/3 Intervention Website: Best Evidence Encyclopedia. This site provides reviews of evidence-based math and reading programs. The website is sponsored by the Johns Hopkins University School of Education's Center for Data-Driven Reform in Education (CDDRE) .

Tier 3: Intensive Intervention: Problem-Solving Protocol

Schoolwide Screeners

General Academic Skills
Acquisition of Academic Item-Set
Reading: Phonics/Alphabetics
Reading: Sight-Word Vocabulary

Sight-Word Vocabulary. The student has rapid recognition of sight-words. 

Reading Fluency

 Fluency. The student reads with adequate fluency to comprehend the text.

  • Assisted Cloze. The tutor reads aloud while the student follows along silently in the practice passage. Then the student reads aloud.
  • Choral Reading. The tutor (lead reader) reads aloud while the reading group or class all read aloud as well.
  • Duet Reading. The tutor and student alternate in reading aloud, with the tutor deciding how much text the student reads during their turn.
  • Echo Reading. Student and tutor alternate in reading short sections of the practice passage.
  • Listening Passage Preview. The student listens to the passage read aloud, then reads the passage aloud with tutor feedback.
  • Paired Reading. The tutor and student read aloud together from a passage, until the student isgnals that they would like to read alone.
  • Repeated Reading. The student reads a passage several times in succession with tutor feedback about accuracy and fluency.
  • Repeated Reading: Group. This version of repeated reading is delivered to a group of 3 students.
  • HELPS Program. This free program provides 15-minute 1:1 tutoring sessions to work on reading fluency. NOTE: Teachers create a free account on the HELPS site and then can access the free materials.
Reading Comprehension

Self-Monitoring:The student monitors understanding of the text while reading.

  • Click or Clunk. The student uses self-signals to monitor understanding at the sentence, paragraph, and page level--and applies 'fix-up' skills.
  • Reading Reflection Pauses. The student monitors understanding periodically and applies fix-up skills.

 Main Idea:The student locates the main idea of a paragraph or passage in informational text.

  • Main Idea Maps. The student uses a graphic organizer to record main idea and supporting details of a passage.
  • Question Generation. The student locates or creates main-idea sentences for all paragraphis in a passage and uses them to create study cards.
  • Read-Ask-Paraphrase. The student locates main idea and supporting details for each paragraph and summarizes them on a graphic organizer. RAP Interactive Form
  • Partner Retell. The student reads a passage, then pairs with another student to engage in a tutoring exchange to identify main idea.
  • Repeated Reading With Oral/Written Retell. The student reads a passage several times and is asked to write or recite the key information from the passage.

Linking Ideas:The student makes connections between ideas in the text.

Spelling Acquisition. The student is able to spell a grade-appropriate range of words correctly.
  • Cover-Copy-Compare.  The student studies spelling-word (or sight-word) models, covers them, copies them from memory, and compares copied words to the originals. CCC Interactive Form
  • Self-Correction with Verbal Cues. The student takes a brief spelling pre-test, follows a self-guided process to check and correct spelling errors using verbal cues, and then takes a spelling post-test

 Sentence Complexity. The student writes sentences of appropriate variety and complexity for the subject and/or grade level.


Self-Management in Academic Skills. The student uses appropriate skills and strategies to manage their own learning.


Data Tool

Related Resources

Archival Data


Behavior Report Cards


Cumulative Mastery Records

Curriculum-Based Measures/ Assessment

Curriculum-Based Measurement: Sample Measures and Norms

CBM Type

Online CBM Application

CBM Directions & Norms

CBM: Letter Name Fluency & Letter Sound Fluency
 Letter Name Fluency Generator  LNF/LSF: Directions & Norms

CBM: Oral Reading Fluency

Reading Passage Generator


Oral Reading Fluency: Directions & Norms

CBM: Maze Passages (Comprehension)

Maze Passage Generator


Maze: Directions & Norms

CBM: Early Math Fluency
Early Math Fluency Generator Early Math Fluency: Directions & Norms

CBM: Math Computation

Math Worksheet Generator: Intervention Central Math Worksheet Generator

Math Computation: Directions & Norms

CBM: Written Expression

Writing Probe Generator

Writing: Directions & Norms













Work Products




Visual Display of Data

Graphing Tools
  • Excel Spreadsheet: Student Progress-Monitoring Graph: Single Intervention Phase. This graph has no macros (custom computer code). It allows you to enter data for baseline and one intervention phase. The graph also will compute a trendline to plot the average rate of student progress during the intervention phase. There is no limit on the number of intervention data points that you can plot.
  • Excel Spreadsheet: Student Progress-Monitoring Graph: Three Intervention Phases. This graph allows you to enter data for baseline and up to 3 intervention phases. It also will compute an aimline/goal line and trendline for each intervention phase. Note: Because this file contains macros (custom computer code), your computer may not allow you to run it or may require that you change your security settings before it will run properly.
  • ChartDog Online Graphmaker. This free online application allows the user to enter student data for an unlimited number of intervention phases, to plot aimlines and trendlines for each data series, and to save charts for later updating. This application does require more effort to learn than the excel files above, so you may also want to check out the ChartDog Manual.


Behavior Managment Resources

Ideas for behavior management in the classroom:

Three behavior management packages:

These apps were also reviewed at the training:





Here are skills-checklists discussed at the training:



Sample Methods of Data Collection
Cumulative Mastery Logs
Behavior Report Cards
Additional Data Collection Resources