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Jim Wright's RTI/MTSS Presentations: Camden (NY) Schools

On F 9 Dec 2022, Jim Wright presented a training for middle and high school MTSS Team members on Tier 1 behavior scenarios. Here is the PowerPoint:
On T 12 July & 2 Sept 2022, Jim Wright presented the training Tier 1: Building a Classroom Intervention Toolkit. Here are resources from that training:
- PowerPoint: Tier 1: Building a Classroom Intervention Toolkit
- Tier 1 Intervention Form: Camden Schools
- Tier 1: How to Implement Strong Core Instruction: Direct Instruction Checklist (Interactive Form)
- Tier 1: PIVOT POINTS: The Struggling Student in a General-Education Setting: Pivot Points
Free Intervention Websites/Resources:
- Florida Center for Reading Research: Student-Center Activities
- Evidence-Based Intervention Network
- Classroom Support Plan Writer
- Intervention Central: Academic Interventions
- MS/HS:Manual with Reading-Comprehension and Engagement Strategies
- What Works Clearinghouse Teacher Practice Guides
On W 13 July & 7 Oct 2022, Jim Wright presented the training Tier 1: Building a Classroom Data-Collection Toolkit: Here are resources from that training:
- PowerPoint: Tier 1: Building a Classroom Data-Collection Toolkit
- Link to Data-Collection Look-Up Table
On M 11 July 2022, Jim Wright presented the workshop MTSS for Academics: Supporting the Work to administrators of the Camden NY School District. Here are resources from that training:
Tier 3: Intensive Intervention: Problem-Solving Protocol
- Tier 3: RTI Team Roles
- Tier 3: RTI Team Case Manager Pre-Meeting Form
- Tier 3: RTI Team Meeting introductory Script
- Tier 3: RTI Team Meeting 'Facilitator's Guide'
- Tier 3: RTI Team Meeting Forms: Interactive.
- Tier 3: RTI Team 'Quality Indicators' Checklist