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School Psyched!: Jim Wright Page

On Sunday, 7 June (8 pm EDT), Jim Wright was a guest on the School Psyched podcast. (It was an honor!)
Here are resources linked to questions asked by podcast participants:
PowerPoint Slides (in PDF format): School Psyched Podcast: RTI and the School Psychologist
RTI for Mathematics:
- Using RTI to Improve Learning in Mathematics (RTI Action Network: A. VanDerHeyden)
Here are some good introductory guides from the What Works Clearinghouse on effective schoolwide and classroom math practices that conform with the RTI model:
- Assisting Students Struggling With Mathematics
- Teaching Strategies for Improving Algebra Knowledge in Middle and High School Students
- Teaching Math to Young Children
- Improving Mathematical Problem Solving in Grades 4 Through 8
- Developing Effective Fractions Instruction for Kindergarten Through 8th Grade
- Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
RTI for Behavior:
- RTI Behavior Interventions & Supports (RTI Action Network: H. Bohanon, K. McIntosh, & S. Goodman). This 4-article series describes important elements of an RTI behavior model, including a description of Tiers 1-3.
The What Works Clearinghouse has these 'practice guides' on behavioral topics that are consistent with an RTI/behavior model:
The National Center on Intensive Intervention has these 'tools chart' pages to evaluate screening and intervention resources for RTI/behavior:
Finding Quality Tier 2/3 Academic Instruction/Intervention Programs
- Tier 2/3 Intervention Website: What Works Clearinghouse. This website reviews core instruction and intervention programs in reading & mathematics, as well as other academic areas. The site reviews existing studies and draws conclusions about whether specific intervention programs show evidence of effectiveness.
- Tier 2/3 Intervention Website: Best Evidence Encyclopedia. This site provides reviews of evidence-based math and reading programs. The website is sponsored by the Johns Hopkins University School of Education's Center for Data-Driven Reform in Education (CDDRE) .
- Tier 2/3 Intervention Website: National Center on Intensive Intervention Academic Intervention Chart. Sponsored by the National Center on Intensive Intervention, this page provides ratings to intervention programs in math, reading, and writing. Users can sort their search by subject and grade level.
Scheduling RTI Tier 2/3 Services:
Links to the School Psyched podcast:
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/1/communities/107500016711274208603
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrZxxV5sBk0
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science