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Math Computation: Increase Accuracy and Productivity Rates Via Self-Monitoring and Performance Feedback
Students can improve both their accuracy and fluency on math computation worksheets by independently self-monitoring their computation speed, charting their daily progress, and earning rewards for improved performance.
- Collection of student math computation worksheets & matching answer keys (NOTE: Educators can use a free online application to create math computation worksheets and answer keys by using this free Math Worksheet Generator (http://www.interventioncentral.org/tools/math-worksheet-generator)
- Student self-monitoring chart (see attachment at the bottom of this page)
Steps to Implementing This Intervention
In preparation for this intervention:
- the teacher selects one or more computation problem types that the student needs to practice. Using that set of problem types as a guide, the teacher creates a number of standardized worksheets with similar items to be used across multiple instructional days. (A Math Worksheet Generator that will create these worksheets automatically can be accessed at http://www.interventioncentral.org).
- The teacher prepares a progress-monitoring chart. The vertical axis of the chart extends from 0 to 100 and is labeled 'Correct Digits' The horizontal axis of the chart is labeled 'Date'.
- The teacher creates a menu of rewards that the student can choose from on a given day if the student was able to exceed his or her previously posted computation fluency score.
At the start of the intervention, the teacher meets with the student. The teacher shows the student a sample math computation worksheet and answer key. The teacher tells the student that the student will have the opportunity to complete similar math worksheets as time drills and chart the results. The student is told that he or she will win a reward on any day when the student's number of correctly computed digits on the worksheet exceeds that of the previous day.
During each day of the intervention:
- 1. The student is given one of the math computation worksheets previously created by the teacher, along with an answer key. The student first consults his or her progress-monitoring chart and notes the most recent charted computation fluency score previously posted. The student is encouraged to try to exceed that score.
- 2. When the intervention session starts, the student is given a pre-selected amount of time (e.g., 5 minutes) to complete as many problems on the computation worksheet as possible. The student sets a timer for the allocated time and works on the computation sheet until the timer rings.
- 3. The student then uses the answer key to check his or her work, giving credit for each correct digit in an answer. (A 'correct digits' is defined as a digit of the correct value that appears in the correct place-value location in an answer. In this scoring method, students can get partial credit even if some of the digits in an answer are correct and some are incorrect.).
- 4. The student plots his or her computational fluency score on the progress-monitoring chart and writes the current date at the bottom of the chart below the plotted data point. The student is allowed to select a choice from the reward menu if he or she exceeds the most recent, previously posted fluency score.
- Bennett, K., & Cavanaugh, R. A. (1998). Effects of immediate self-correction, delayed self-correction, and no correction on the acquisition and maintenance of multiplication facts by a fourth-grade student with learning disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 31, 303-306.
- Shimabukuro, S. M., Prater, M. A., Jenkins, A., & Edelen-Smith, P. (1999). The effects of self-monitoring of academic performance on students with learning disabilities and ADD/ADHD. Education and Treatment of Children, 22, 397-414.